Buy and sell bearing & power transmission parts!

BearingNet gives you access to the inventories of 2,000+ distributors from around the world, including small independents to large multinational wholesalers

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Browse 15,000,000+ parts

Search for the part your customer needs and find out who has it in stock, ready to ship today. Search for standard, rare and obsolete parts. If it's not in your warehouse, find it in someone else's on BearingNet!

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Sell your warehouse stock

On average 150,000 part searches are performed on BearingNet every day! Upload your inventory to our search database and start selling today. Extend your international reach, sell to new markets and establish new partnerships.

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The BearingNet User Meeting is the world’s largest event for bearing and power transmission distributors. Find new business partners and explore new opportunities whilst promoting your company and product range.

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Bearing & Power Transmission Distributors


Countries from all regions worldwide


Part searches a week


Lines of inventory listed by members

Bearing Bearings 14,314,629
Bearing Sprockets 161,003
Bearing Chain 100,670
Bearing Seals 818,464
Bearing Belts 627,479
Bearing Pulleys 127,977
Bearing Misc 648,696

Logins last month


Logins year to date


Active members


Sent in 2022


Logged in now

Updated lines of inventory

Last week


In the last 24 hours:

Searches 72,459
Users Visited 1,451
New Wanted Items 06
New Special Offers 24
New Inquiries 4,283

Wanted items:

51 listed in the last 7 days

Last 5 items listed
AS1021 any
40TAB07 (DT) 1 set = 2 pueces NACHI or equivalent
40TAB07 (FFB) 1 set = 3 pieces NACHI or equivalent
EXPE 212-N SNR only

Special Offers:

288 listed in the last 30 days

Last 5 items listed
NU1036-M1-C3 FAG
NU336-E-M1-C3 FAG
NU336 Neutral
NU2236 Neutral
Start your 14-day free trial

“Relying on huge stock on BearingNet, we have become a universal supplier of various types of bearings for our clients and found new reliable partners around the world.”

Tanya Kraevaya
TD Irbis LTD

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TD Irbis Ltd

"BearingNet has helped MAKAR identify new partners and increase our visibility globally among bearing distributors. The membership fee was already covered within the first trade, thanks to BearingNet. With just one month of experience on the platform it is clear to MAKAR why there are members that have continued to support BearingNet for 10-25 years."

Makar Industrial

"When we started to collaborate with BearingNet, back in 2006, we couldn’t yet grasp the outcome of using a specialised digital platform such as this. Over the years, BearingNet brought together an incredibly vast community of players across the globe, enabling new levels of collaboration among its members, both online and offline. "

PFI Group, Inc.

PFI Group, Inc.

"We have been a member of BearingNet since 2011. Thanks to this we created a lot of new contacts with companies around the world. Our sales team is waiting for your RFQs."

Michał Staszelis

MTM - Vervo

Vervo Sp. z o.o.
“BearingNet allows Next Point Bearing to network globally with a wide variety of companies within our industry. It’s become a strong and reliable tool for helping our business grow!”

John Burroughs

Next Point Bearing

Next Point Bearing Group, LLC

"BearingNet has redefined the way the world buys and sells bearings - Simpler, Better, Smarter"

Jameel Moosa
Bearing Corporation

Bearing Corporation

Start your 14-day free trial

Apply for a trial account with BearingNet and see how the platform can help you find emergency parts, sell more efficiently, and grow your business further.

No commission. No credit card details. No obligation to sign-up.