Go to the "Your Account" section and click on the link "Change company logo" in the left-hand menu. You can upload your company logo here and it will then appear on your company details page.
Every user in your company can have their own account on BearingNet. These sub-accounts need to be set up by the Administrator on your account.
Just go to Your Account > Manage User > Add New User
If you wish to promote your company on BearingNet, send an email to sales@bearingnet.netand we will contact you to find out your requirements and offer some options.
If you have forgotten your password, click on the 'forgotten password' link on the login page. A message will be sent to your registered email address with a link to let you re-set your password.
If you have forgotten your username, click on the 'forgotten password' link on the login page and then enter your registered email address in the 'Forgotten Username' box and a reminder will be sent by email.
To change your existing password, go to 'Your Account' and click on the 'Change Password' link on the left side of the screen.
If you need to change your company name on BearingNet, please send an email to sales@bearingnet.netand we will make the changes for you.
To find out who is logging in and from which IP address, go to Your Account > Activity.
If you have an outstanding invoice to pay, you will be redirected to your invoices page when you log in to BearingNet. You can also find this page under Your Account > Company Invoices. To pay an invoice by credit card, click on “pay online” and you will be redirected to our secure payment partners “Worldpay”.
Click "Company List" and then the name of the company you wish to recommend. There is a link to recommend the company at the bottom of the company details screen that appears.
There could be a variety of reasons, for example:
If none of these apply then please email sales@bearingnet.net and request a free trial.
Click on the Search Results settings icon to quickly change the settings and only display columns that you want to see.
Post a message in the 'Wanted' pages
The key to the icons can be seen by clicking on the Info Note icon (above the search results table, on the right).
You can either use our automatic stock upload facility or you can send your inventory list in an excel spreadsheet to us via e-mail at stock@bearingnet.net. For details on how to use the automatic upload facility, see the "Inventory" user guide.
You can upload your inventory daily (up to 4 times in 24 hours). The most recently updated inventory listed on BearingNet is shown at the top of the search results screen.
There are 3 custom fields that you can use for your own reference that are not shown to other users - for example you could use warehouse location or internal part reference.
You can name these custom fields on Your Account > Company Settings (Customer defined field 1/2/3). These custom fields will appear on your BearingNet inventory list in Your Account > Your Inventory > Add/Edit
By default your inventory can be viewed by every member on BearingNet, however 'rules' enable you to control who can view your inventory and send you inquiries - you can limit this by company country or region. Go to Your Account > Inquiry Method Control (in the Rules section).
If your list is in the correct format then your items will be shown on the search results screen whenever someone searches for those parts. You can see your inventory health check and Inventory performance charts in Your Account> Your inventory
You can set your BearingNet inquiries to go to a specific user - this can be done by company and region. Go to Your Account > Sales contact settings
You can link your inventory on BearingNet with the inventory in your Webshop enabling your customers to ‘buy now’.
The webshop icon Webshop will appear on the search results page next to your inventory – you can choose which companies can use this facility.
For more information about connecting your webshop to BearingNet contact sales@bearingnet.net
If you're interested in a specific forum topic you can click 'subscribe' and be notified when somebody posts a reply. If you start a topic in the forums you can moderate it and have the right to delete replies.
To post an image on the forum you need to upload and host your image on an external website like Flickr, PhotoBucket or TinyPic. Once you have done that you can copy the image's direct URL between the [img][/img] to display the picture. Image icon.JPG
If forum contributions from a particular user are consistently of no interest to you, you can hide all of their forum posts by clicking on the icon in the heading of one of their messages. If you change your mind, use the icon which is displayed when you hover over the message.